With this kind of luck, perhaps I should have gone out and purchased a few lotto tickets, too. Lucky or not: In this case, I was handsomely rewarded for simply following and leaving a comment on a blog of interest that was highlighting one of my favorite spice-rack staples. Not too shabby.
Rewarding loyal customers and/or followers is a great way to maintain and build upon the base of any business. It’s easy to look past your existing clientele and expend all your energy to entice new blood. But those actions can and will drive away the people that got you there.
Giveaways --- especially during this time of year --- are a slam dunk in customer relations and PR. Everywhere you turn around, someone seems to be giving away an iPad. Hell, I even gave away something on this blog earlier this year. Done not so much for the intent of building a blog-follower empire (obviously), but just for fun.
What you give doesn’t really matter. The point is: People like to get things. And if you can offer them something, even a little something, expect that to come back to you in some way—hopefully what would be considered a good return on investment.
Happy holidays!